NWT Species at Risk Resources
- NWT Species and Habitat Viewer
- Guide to NWT species at risk, including range maps:
- In English: Species at Risk in the NWT (2022)
- En Français: Espèces en Péril aux TNO (2022)
- Field guides:
- Amphibians and Reptiles of the Northwest Territories (disponible en français)
- Bumble Bees of the Northwest Territories (disponible en français)
- Butterflies of the Northwest Territories
- Lady Beetles of the Northwest Territories (bilingue)
- Owls of the Northwest Territories (disponible en français)
- Raptors of the Northwest Territories
- Bats of the Northwest Territories:
- Beekeeping:
- Teaching resources:
- Translation workshops:
NWT General Status Ranking Program
- Reports on General Status Ranks for NWT species are published every 5 years.
- Detailed procedures manual: General status ranks of wild species in the Northwest Territories (2002)
NWT Species Conservation and Recovery Fund (SCARF)
- Species Conservation and Recovery Fund brochure
- Species Conservation and Recovery Fund brochure (Français)
- Species Conservation and Recovery Fund application form
- Species Conservation and Recovery Fund application form (Français)
- Species Conservation and Recovery Fund report template
- Species Conservation and Recovery Fund report template (Français)
Species at Risk (NWT) Act
- Species at Risk (NWT) Act – full text
- Understanding the Species at Risk (NWT) Act - brochure
- Flow charts for processes under the Species at Risk (NWT) Act
- Fact Sheet - Status of Species Being Processed Under the Species at Risk (NWT) Act
- Minister of Environment & Natural Resources (ENR)'s Annual Reports
- Northwest Territories Gazette notices of species listing
- Boreal caribou (2014)
- Hairy braya (2014)
- Peary caribou (2014)
- Polar bear (2014)
- Dolphin and Union caribou (2015)
- Northern leopard frog (2015)
- Wood bison (2017)
- Barren-ground caribou (2018)
- Little brown myotis (2018)
- Northern myotis (2018)
- Hairy braya (2020)
- Hairy braya (2021)
- Northern leopard frog (2021)
- Northern mountain caribou (2021)
- Western toad (2021)
- Polar bear (2022)
Conference of Management Authorities (CMA)
- Conference of Management Authorities Rules of Conduct
- Guidelines for Management Plans & Recovery Strategies
- Template for Management Plans & Recovery Strategies
CMA Annual Reports
- 2009-10 Annual Report
- 2010-11 Annual Report
- 2011-12 Annual Report
- 2012-13 Annual Report
- 2013-14 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2014-15 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2015-16 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2016-17 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2017-18 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2018-19 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2019-20 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2020-21 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2021-22 Annual Report (English) (French)
CMA Fact Sheets
CMA Consensus Agreements on Listing
- Polar bear - consensus agreement on listing (2013)
- Peary caribou - consensus agreement on listing (2013)
- Hairy braya - consensus agreement on listing (2013)
- Boreal caribou - consensus agreement on listing (2013)
- Dolphin and Union caribou - consensus agreement on listing (2014)
- Northern leopard frog - consensus agreement on listing (2014)
- Western toad - consensus agreement on listing (2015)
- Wood bison - consensus agreement on listing (2017)
- Northern myotis - consensus agreement on listing (2018)
- Little brown myotis - consensus agreement on listing (2018)
- Grizzly bear - consensus agreement not to list (2018)
- Barren-ground caribou - consensus agreement on listing (2018)
- Northern mountain caribou - consensus agreement on listing (2021)
- Polar bear - consensus agreement on re-listing (2022)
- Boreal caribou - consensus agreement on re-listing (2023)
- Peary caribou - consensus agreement on re-listing (2023)
CMA Consensus Agreements on Accepting/Adopting Management Plans & Recovery Strategies
- Hairy braya - consensus agreement on accepting a recovery strategy (2015)
- Boreal caribou - consensus agreement on accepting a recovery strategy (2017)
- Amphibians - consensus agreement on accepting and adopting a management plan (2017)
- Polar bear - consensus agreement on adopting a joint management plan and framework for action (2017)
- Dolphin and Union caribou - consensus agreement on adopting a management plan for the NWT and Nunavut (2017)
- Wood bison - consensus agreement on accepting a recovery strategy (2019)
- Barren-ground caribou - consensus agreement on accepting a recovery strategy (2020)
- Bats - consensus agreement on accepting a management plan (2020)
- Northern mountain caribou - consensus agreement on accepting and adopting a management plan (2023)
CMA Management Plans & Recovery Strategies
- Hairy braya - recovery strategy (2015)
- Notice of extension - boreal caribou, polar bear, Peary caribou (2015)
- Notice of extension - Dolphin and Union caribou (2016)
- Boreal caribou - recovery strategy (2017)
- Amphibians - management plan (2017)
- Polar bear - joint management plan (2017)
- Polar bear - framework for action (2017)
- Notice of extension - Peary caribou (2017)
- Dolphin and Union caribou - management plan for NWT and Nunavut (2018)
- Notice of extension - Peary caribou (2019)
- Wood bison - recovery strategy (2019)
- Barren-ground caribou - recovery strategy (2020)
- Bats - management plan (2020)
- Notice of extension - Peary caribou (2021)
- Northern mountain caribou - management plan (2023)
CMA Consensus Agreements respecting Implementation of Management Plans & Recovery Strategies
- Hairy braya - consensus agreement respecting implementation of recovery strategy (2016)
- Amphibians - consensus agreement respecting implementation of management plan (2017)
- Boreal caribou - consensus agreement respecting implementation of recovery strategy (2017)
- Polar bear - consensus agreement respecting implementation of joint management plan and framework for action (2018)
- Dolphin and Union caribou - consensus agreement respecting implementation of management plan for NWT and Nunavut (2018)
- Wood bison - consensus agreement respecting implementation of recovery strategy (2020)
- Barren-ground caribou - consensus agreement respecting implementation of recovery strategy (2021)
- Bats - consensus agreement respecting implementation of management plan (2021)
Management Plan & Recovery Strategy Progress Reports
- Hairy braya - progress report (2021)
- Polar bear - progress report (2022)
- Amphibians - progress report (2022)
- Boreal caribou - progress report (2022)
CMA Meeting Minutes
- August 2010
- January 2011
- June 2011
- November 2011
- January 2012
- June 2012
- December 2012
- February 2013
- June 2013
- October 2013
- December 2013
- January 2014
- June 2014
- September 2014
- November 2014
- January 2015
- July 2015
- September 2015
- October 2015
- April 2016
- May 2016
- October 2016
- December 2016
- January 2017
- May 2017
- June 2017
- October 2017 (SARC-CMA workshop)
- October 2017
- December 2017
- January 2018
- February 2018
- May 2018
- September 2018
- November 2018
- February 2019
- May 2019
- July 2019
- September 2019
- December 2019
- February 2020
- May 2020
- September 2020
- December 2020
- February 2021
- May 2021
- September 2021
- February 2022
- May 2022
- September 2022
- December 2022
- February 2023
Species at Risk Committee (SARC)
Administrative Documents
- Assessment process and objective biological criteria
- Checklist to prioritize species for assessment
- Member list and biographies
- Guidelines for species status reports:
- SARC Rules of Conduct
Annual Reports
- 2009-10 Annual Report
- 2010-11 Annual Report
- 2011-12 Annual Report
- 2012-13 Annual Report
- 2013-14 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2014-15 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2015-16 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2016-17 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2017-18 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2018-19 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2019-20 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2020-21 Annual Report (English) (French)
- 2021-22 Annual Report (English) (French)
Species Assessments
Completed Species Status Reports and Assessments
- Polar bear status report and assessment (2012)
- Peary caribou status report and assessment (2012)
- Hairy braya status report and assessment (2012)
- Boreal caribou status report and assessment (2012)
- Northern leopard frog status report and assessment (2013)
- Dolphin and Union caribou status report and assessment (2013)
- Wolverine status report and assessment (2014)
- Western toad status report and assessment (2014)
- Wood bison status report and assessment (2016)
- Big brown bat, little brown myotis, northern myotis, long-eared myotis, and long-legged myotis status report and assessment (2017)
- Porcupine caribou and barren-ground caribou status report and assessment (2017)
- Grizzly bear status report and assessment (2017)
- Gypsy cuckoo, western, and yellow-banded bumble bee status report and assessment (2019)
- Northern mountain caribou status report and assessment (2020)
- Polar bear status report and reassessment (2021)
- Peregrine falcon status report and assessment (2022)
- Peary caribou status report and reassessment (2022)
- Boreal caribou status report and reassessment (2022)
- American White Pelican status report and assessment (2023)
- Dolphin and Union caribou status report and reassessment (2023)
Federal Species at Risk Resources
- Environment Canada guidance document on species at risk and environmental assessment: Environmental Assessment Best Practice Guide for Wildlife at Risk in Canada
- For documents related to the federal Species at Risk Act, including species status reports, recovery strategies, action plans and management plans for species on the federal Species at Risk Act list, visit the federal Species at Risk Public Registry.
- Status reports for some species assessed by COSEWIC that have not been added to the federal Species at Risk Act list may be found on the federal Species at Risk Public Registry.
- For the current list of species assessed by COSEWIC and being considered by the federal government for listing under the federal Species at Risk Act, go to www.cosewic.ca, click on Wildlife Species Assessment and examine the Assessment Results (which describes species that were assessed at the most recent COSEWIC meeting), and the Canadian Species at Risk document (which describes all species that COSEWIC has assessed and where they are in the listing process).