The Conference of Management Authorities on Species at Risk provides direction, coordination and leadership on species at risk in the Northwest Territories (NWT). The Conference was established in 2010 under the Species at Risk (NWT) Act.
Who they are
The members of the Conference of Management Authorities are the wildlife co-management boards and governments that share management responsibility for the conservation and recovery of species at risk in the NWT.
The Management Authorities that make up the Conference are the:
- Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT)
- Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board
- Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı (Sahtú Renewable Resources Board)
- Wek’èezhìı Renewable Resources Board
- Tłı̨chǫ Government
- Government of Canada and
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Conference observers and participants include:
- Acho Dene Koe First Nation
- Akaitcho Territory Government
- Athabasca Denesųłiné
- Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board
- Dehcho First Nations
- Kátł’odeeche First Nation
- North Slave Métis Alliance
- Northwest Territory Métis Nation
- Salt River First Nation
Future agreements with Indigenous peoples whose land claims are not yet settled could add to the membership of the Conference of Management Authorities.
Membership is flexible depending on which species is being considered. Only Management Authorities that have jurisdiction for that species are involved in making decisions about that species.
How do they make decisions?
The Conference operates by building consensus among Management Authorities, with each co-management board carrying out the consultation and processes required under their land claim agreement for decision-making.
The Government of the Northwest Territories is responsible for consultation in areas without a settled land claim and engagement with stakeholders such as industry, outfitters, resident hunters, environmental groups and the public.
If consensus cannot be reached, the decision falls to the territorial government’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change (ECC).
Contact the Conference of Management Authorities
Conference of Management Authorities
c/o Species at Risk Secretariat
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2L9
Toll-free: 1 (855) 783-4301
Fax: (867) 873-0221
Email: SARA@gov.nt.ca