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​Note: Some of these terms also have legal definitions. For precise legal definitions please refer to the appropriate legislation.


A detailed evaluation of the status of a species which includes identifying threats to the species and determining the level of risk of extinction.

Conference of Management Authorities (CMA)

The group of wildlife co-management boards and governments that share management responsibility for the conservation and recovery of species at risk in the NWT. Under the Species at Risk (NWT) Act, the Conference of Management Authorities provides direction, coordination and leadership on species at risk.

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

An independent committee of experts that assesses the status of species in Canada and makes recommendations on listing under the Species at Risk Act.

Data Deficient

A status category describing a species for which there is not enough information to categorize it as extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatened, special concern, or not at risk.


A status category describing a species that is facing imminent extirpation or extinction.


A status category describing a species that no longer exists anywhere in the world.

Extirpated (Canada definition)

A status category describing a species that no longer exists in the wild in Canada but exists in the wild outside Canada.

Extirpated (NWT definition)

A status category describing a species that no longer exists in the wild in the Northwest Territories but exists in the wild outside the Northwest Territories.


The process by which species are added to a legal list of species at risk – either the NWT List of Species at Risk (territorial) or Species at Risk Act (SARA) Schedule 1 (national).

Not at Risk

A status category describing a species that has been evaluated and found to be not at risk of extinction given the current circumstances.

Special Concern

A status category describing a species that may become threatened or endangered because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.

Species at Risk

A wild species in danger of disappearing. The level of risk can vary – generally species assessed as Extinct, Extirpated, Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern are considered species at risk.

Species at Risk Act (SARA)

Legislation for the protection of species at risk in Canada.

Species at Risk Committee (SARC)

An independent committee of experts that assesses the status of species in the NWT and makes recommendations on listing under the Species at Risk (NWT) Act.

Species at Risk (NWT) Act

Legislation to identify, protect and recover species at risk in the NWT.


A status category describing a species that is likely to become endangered if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation or extinction.

Species at Risk Translation Workshop Reports