Share your knowledge
The Northwest Territories is a big place. In addition to wildlife surveys and volunteer programs such as the Christmas Bird Count, people in the NWT can provide information on where species live and how they are doing.
These observations help inform species range maps found in the guide to Species at Risk in the NWT, the NWT Species and Habitat Viewerand species status reports.
Report observations
To report a sighting, or to share your observations about a species, please send them to
Be sure to include:
- Date
- Location with coordinates
- Photo
You can also share your observations and your knowledge on iNaturalist, eBird. or by taking part in one of the monitoring programs in the NWT.
Join the conversation
On Facebook:
- NWT Species at Risk (page)
- NWT Species (group)
- NWT Bats (group)
Contact your wildlife management board
- Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT):
- Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board:
- Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı (Sahtú Renewable Resources Board):
- Wek’èezhìı Renewable Resources Board:
- Fisheries Joint Management Committee: