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Draft Species Status Report for Amphibians in the NWT

Photo (left to right): Canadian toad (K. Kendell), Western toad (B. Brunen), Northern leopard frog (The Wilder Institute)

The NWT Species at Risk Committee (SARC) has released the draft Species Status Report for Amphibians in the NWT for review. The species status report is a comprehensive report that compiles and analyzes the best available information on the biological status of Canadian toad (Anaxyrus hemiophrys), Western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) and Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) in the NWT, as well as existing and potential threats and positive influences. The report was prepared in advance of the scheduled 2025 reassessment of Western toad and Northern leopard frog, and the assessment for the first time of the Canadian toad in the NWT.

The draft multi-species status report can be opened here.

If you are interested in reviewing the report and submitting comments, please use the following questions to guide your review:

  • Has the report fully investigated the best available sources of information?
  • Is the information from those sources portrayed accurately?

Comments on the draft report must be submitted to the Species at Risk Secretariat by no later than December 18, 2024.

Comments can be submitted via email (, fax (867-873-0293), or via standard mail at the address below:

NWT Species at Risk Secretariat
SC-5, c/o Department of Environment and Climate Change
Government of the Northwest Territories
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

Please note that the report is a draft and is not to be cited without permission of the Species at Risk Committee Chairperson. If you have any questions about reviewing draft status reports, or if you require the report in a different format, please contact the Species at Risk Secretariat.