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Notice of Extension


In accordance with subsections 59(2), 59(3), 60(2), and 60(4) of the Species at Risk (NWT) Act, the Conference of Management Authorities, on the advice of the preparer, is extending the completion dates for the following documents:

  • NWT Boreal Caribou Recovery Strategy
  • NWT Polar Bear Management Plan
  • NWT Peary Caribou Recovery Strategy

All three documents were originally scheduled for completion on February 27, 2016. Owing to the complex nature of their management and the receipt of significant and substantive comments during consultation and engagement that necessitates additional time to address, the completion dates of the NWT Boreal Caribou Recovery Strategy and the NWT Polar Bear Management Plan are being extended by one year and 16 months, respectively. For efficiency and to avoid duplication, the NWT Peary Caribou Recovery Strategy is being developed in concert with the federal Peary Caribou Recovery Strategy; an extension of two years is required to accommodate timelines of the federal process. The new completion dates for the three documents are as follows:

  • NWT Boreal Caribou Recovery Strategy (February 27, 2017)
  • NWT Polar Bear Management Plan (June 27, 2017)
  • NWT Peary Caribou Recovery Strategy (February 27, 2018)