A total of four projects were awarded $5,000 of Species at Risk Stewardship Program funding in 2014-15:
Woodland Caribou Habitat and Habitat Use Study
Project lead: Deninu Kue First Nation
Species at Risk focus: Boreal woodland caribou
The study will include traditional knowledge and scientific information in the identification of critical habitat for woodland caribou in the South Slave. The goal is to collect information from Chiefs, Council, Elders, hunters, and the GNWT to identify historic and current caribou harvesting areas to a map. This map will be valuable in ensuring that an adequate amount of undisturbed, critical habitat is available for woodland caribou recovery.
Mackenzie and Arctic Red River Survey of Bank Swallow
Project lead: Gwichya Gwich’in Renewable Resources Council
Species at Risk focus: Bank swallow
The Gwichya Gwich’in Renewable Resources Council plans to survey both the Mackenzie and Arctic Red rivers to document Bank swallow colonies. They plan to include youth in the surveys to teach them how to spot the colonies. They will document an approximate number of nests at each colony, take GPS coordinates, take photographs, and note habitat characteristics. There is a gap in the Bank swallow population estimates in northern Canada – these surveys will help fill that gap and hopefully the process can be repeated each year.
Grace Lake and Kam Lake “A Living Classroom”
Project Lead: Fly Kid Foundation
Species at Risk focus: all species in this area
The Fly Kid Foundation plans to develop and install conservation stations and educational signage around both Grace and Kam lakes. They also want to use native flora and materials for riparian restoration and erosion control. The project will establish a “living classroom” that will be useful for all citizens and tourists who visit the area – and will last for many years.
Species at Risk Outreach and EducationProject Lead: Jean Marie River First Nation
Species at Risk focus: Boreal caribou
The Jean Marie River community plans on adding a species at risk element to their annual land-based activities at McGill Lake, Ekali Lake, and the Horn Plateau. The main goal will be to educate community members about the regions’ specific ecosystems and species, and encourage them to be stewards through outreach and education. Education would include a formalized lesson plan and presentation. They also plan to promote species at risk awareness with the use of promotional items such as stickers, t-shirts, cups and photo contests.